Investing time in developing talent pools is essential to the success of any organization. They act as a sort of queue line for HR recruiters, as they are comprised of potential candidates that best suit the business needs. Developing a talent pool is an effective method for HR recruiters to ensure a constant flow of candidates is available when required. Here, we present a few tips on developing and maintaining a successful talent pool.
Simple Registration Process
A simple registration process is an easy and effective way to generate an immediate talent pool of potential candidates, all of whom are searching for their next career opportunity. It also means candidate profiles can be quickly and easily filled out, stored, and accessed, thus streamlining the hiring process.
Leverage Social Media
Social media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have proven to be fantastic mediums to target candidates, engage them, and inform them of opportunities. Today, most organizations use social media networks for hiring purposes and the social recruitment has proven to be beneficial. Social recruiting enhances the quality of candidates that a business recruits; it also helps promote company brand and culture. It fosters interest and, therefore, forms a diverse pool of talent.
Provide Regular Feedback
HR recruiters should avoid doing things that turn candidates away. Nothing is more frustrating than a lack of response to a job application. With automated systems and processes that help you ensure that applicants don’t fall through the cracks, there’s really no excuse. Even if you’re delivering bad news to them, all applicants will expect a response or update. Also, a lack of feedback will only serve to isolate talent. HR recruiters should be offering constructive feedback to each and every candidate, supplying advice that will help them secure the next position they apply for.
Source Internally and Externally
An effective talent pool should include candidates from both inside and outside your organization. It is crucial to develop internal talent for your business. HR managers should appropriately find those employees that exhibit real potential for career growth and development. Once identified, these employees will be part of your talent pool so that they can be maintained and nurtured for advancement.
To build a talent pool from external sources, it is essential to network with current applicants in addition to past candidates. In many cases, candidates who did not exactly match a previous position for which they applied for may be a perfect match for a current or future position with your company. Maintaining constant communication with internal and external talent will develop your talent pool and ensure that, when the time comes to fill a position, you will be able to reach out to candidates with whom you have developed a relationship with in the past. The robust talent management systems promote communication with your talent pool, even automating portions of the communication process for your convenience.
HR recruitment is an essential skill set, which enables your organization to maintain a competitive edge. Developing an effective talent pool is a large and critical part of the recruitment process. A robust applicant tracking system (ATS) facilitates the building and maintenance of effective talent pools, an essential safety net for your business.