How SutiExpense Simplifies the Core Processes of Expense Management
Employee travel expense is one of the most critical areas that enterprises need to keep a close eye on. An automated system that oversees the expense management process is highly required in today’s organizations. SutiExpense is the solution for all organizations looking to simplify and automate their expense processes. The following are a few areas where SutiExpense proves to be invaluable.
Auto-capturing receipts
Snap a receipt
Required information like merchant name, date, and amount info will be captured and added to the expense line item.
Importing credit card transactions
All the transactions made on any credit card can be imported directly. This eliminates the need to keep all bills and remembering all transactions.
Mileage tracking
SutiExpense has been integrated with Google Maps to help you track the number of mileages your employees have travelled on business trips. This way, your employee cannot add extra mileages to the expense report.
Does the data entry
Some of the data entry tasks are taken on by the software. Your employees can just sit back and relax.
Scanning receipt data
SutiExpense uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms to import key data within seconds.
Auto credit card matching
Our expense management software matches credit card transactions with receipts and all the details can be re-checked before creating the expense line item. This saves time and eliminates errors.
Reviewing and submitting
Redundancy check
Our software has the potential to detect duplicates by comparing each receipt with all the expense line items present in the expense report. Employee cannot submit a single expense report twice, thus helping you eliminate the need to re-check for redundancies.
Expense policy compliance
SutiExpense flags the exceptions. Whenever employees try to enter the amount that is out of the company policy, our software does not permit them to enter the amount. Likewise, you can ensure that all the expenses are within the company’s expense policy.
Status updates
SutiExpense sends updates to the dashboard of that respective employee whenever a report has been created or needs approval or is approved / rejected. Status of the expense reports will be displayed in your dashboards.
Besides these, SutiExpense also helps in managing many key tasks that are associated with expense processing.