Importance of Rate Plan Analysis

Wireless rate plan optimization refers to the analysis of each type of wireless service, including contract discounts. To get the best wireless rate plan optimization, a more profound analysis on wireless services including wireless rate plans & wireless pooling plans is required to compute discounts and estimate usages. To compare the wireless services that are being used against the wireless pricing & discounts notes within your contracts, what’s required is a review on each wireless contract to discover the contract compliance, terms & expiration of your current wireless contract.
Furthermore, this data helps in arriving to the best wireless plan to meet your business needs. Optimizing usages and rate plans of SMS, MMS and data usages maximizes savings. Once this is complemented by your wireless expense management firm and the rate plan along with any pooling plan usage is measured, and then it must verify that discounts were applied by comparing months of data. Finally the firm should file disputes for discounts not applied, and present recommendations to you for any discounts that should be but are not included in your contract. Study on each wireless rate plan along with the wireless usages is also required. Audits must include detailed review of many months of each wireless account to determine wireless spend. Additionally we analyze as much data as needed to capture usages during peak and off-peak periods.
Rate Plan Optimization helps you quickly realize savings. An ideal wireless expense management software solution gives you a complete package of dashboards & readily identify your opportunities for savings. To guide you in effectively managing your increasing mobile usage, SutiWEM-S provides analysis reports & metrics of specific usage by user, department, region, carrier, and accounts. Its wireless analysis engine & software generates wireless usage reports for grounding definite information, including – usage summary details of individual or department or region, productive rate-per-minute analysis, details of roaming & long distance, averages of monthly usage, category-wise top airtime users, information of inactive mobile user, overage & breakage minutes, and month atop month expense variance.