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New Enhancements to SutiHR

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We have added several new features focusing on improving the user experience within SutiHR.

Below is a list of new features:

Seniority Date has been added to the Employees Master Report. The HR Admin can view the employees’ seniority date in the Employees Master Report.

Color codes have been added to timesheets. The color codes make it easy for the users to differentiate the timesheets that are approved versus which are sent for approval.

Benefits Effective Date is now displayed on the Enrolled Employees/Unenrolled Employees pages. The application allows users to enroll in their benefits from/after the benefits effective date.

Employment Type has been added to the Search section on the Employee Time Rule page. When assigning time rules, HR administrators can filter and find employees based on their employment type.

Using From and To dates, HR administrators can create timesheets for all employees at a time for a period of maximum 7 days.

The application now displays the previous job and compensation details for rehired employees, if any.

The system allows HR Administrators to bypass the offer letter approval process. This can be done only when ‘Turn off offer letter approval process’ option is enabled in the setups.

Share ACA Report option has been added to the ACA Report on employees’ Role & Permissions page in the Personnel Module.

HR Administrators can now restrict users who have privileges to Reports module to share the ACA reports. Based on the privileges given by the HR Admin, the users can share the ACA report.

When rehiring a terminated employee, the system auto-populates the Employee ID.

Documents that are assigned to employees who have been terminated will not be displayed on the Documents Dashboard.

EEOC Disability Status field has been added to the personal details on the candidate resume page.

Notifications will be sent to HR Administrators and other selected persons when an applicant submits an eSign document during the hiring process.

HR Administrators and other selected persons will get notifications only when the “HR Admins and additional email addresses” options under ‘Send notifications to the following person(s) when an applicant submits an eSign document’ are selected in the business unit settings.

The ACA report has been added to the employee audit log. When HR Administrators make any changes in the ACA Report section on the employee’s Roles & Permissions page, those modifications will be recorded on the Employee Audit Log page under the Employee Logs section.

A request for a primary job change can be created only by HR Administrators and managers.

Department and Employees fields have been added to the search section on Time off Requests Log page.

The application now allows HR Administrators to edit personal and contact details of terminated employees.

Users who have the privilege to edit separate/terminate employee details can only perform this action.

A color code has been added to the projected future time off accruals list. Users can easily find and differentiate the current and future time off accruals.

The application displays activities for each project as defined in SutiProject. When clocking in, users can select activities that are assigned to a particular project.

When filling an employee time sheet, when selecting the worked hours, clock in/clock out values for that particular day are automatically calculated from the shift start time.

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