Online Document Management Software – Tips, Concerns, and Considerations – Part One

More and more organizations are turning towards online document management software to manage their document life cycles, so much so that Gartner predicts that this adoption would touch more than 90% of organizations by 2015. Document management software or a Document Management System (DMS) helps not just with the electronic management of files but also with workflow management and team collaboration as well. However, despite the benefits and this widespread usage, there are several concerns that organizations have about deploying this solution. In this post, we’ll address these concerns, look at the considerations they have to make, and offer some tips to get the best out of a DMS.
It’s a complex piece of software: This is one of the biggest concerns many decision makers have that stops them from deploying a DMS. They look at the software and worry that their employees might not be able to adapt to it easily. This however, is not a valid concern. Beyond all the lines of code and seemingly-complicated workflows, a DMS is really just like any other folder on your system. Just as you save, open, copy, cut, paste, or delete a document/file stored on your local desktop, you do the same with the software. The difference is that instead of being saved on your desktop, the document is being saved in a central repository. Anyone who is familiar with a PC and internet will be able to use a web based document management software easily.
Our workflows are simple. We don’t need so many features: Another concern that is heard often and one that can be addressed easily. A DMS comes in different plans and prices. While some small businesses can make do with a basic plan, huge enterprises need more features. Though the full version of a DMS comes loaded with features, you can always choose a version that caters to your needs and does not burn a hole in your pocket.