Why Law Firms Need an Online File Management System

With an online file management system attorneys have a convenient method to effectively manage their client and case information. Using this application they can bring automation into law practice. Use the solution to share information with other attorneys in the firm and help prevent duplication of data in conjunction with data management. This document management application is web-based which allows anytime access to all the features.
Fast and easy retrieval
Search and retrieve your documents faster than before. This application provides you options to search with a variety of search criteria which makes searching documents easy and fast. You will be able to save your search results for later use.
Add documents easily
Work on a specific document and store it in the application. You can keep your documents organized in specific folders according to case and ensure easy accessibility. Easily drag and drop several documents and folders from your disk into the file management workspace.
Keep audit history
It is vital to keep an audit log of all documents in law firms. Audit trail is a security-relevant chronological record. The log entries cannot be edited by users and it keeps track of all changes made in documents.
Access the application on the go
This online file management system will allow you to access the application even when you are out of office. You might be at a meeting with client out of office and you might need to access some documents. You don’t have to go back to office to look for the same. This solution allows you to access any document at anytime from anywhere.
With this simple application you can streamline your firm’s document management system and reduce the time and effort needed to file and retrieve documents. Now you have convenient access to all the information you want with a centralized document management solution.