e-Signature solution for Educational Institutions

Speed up student enrollments and other agreements

From admissions to periodic progress reports to documentation involving parents and their wards, educational institutions involve a lot of paperwork that not only slows down their processes but also increases both time and effort involved. Much of this work can be simplified by taking it digital and using online software solutions such as signature and document management solutions. With a solution such as SutiSign, educational institutions can save reams of paper and hours of time, not to mention making the process professional and effortless, both for themselves and parents and students.

Trusted by Most Popular Brands

Loved by Customers

Why e-Signature is Important for Educational Organizations?

Reduce overheads such as the cost of paper, storage space, stationaries, and courier services
Reduce signature cycle time to 99%, improve productivity while saving time & cost
No more manual or paper based document storage. Store sensitive documents securely in the integrated document management system
Control document versions
Automation provides a digital experience to all parties such as management, staffs, and students

Use Cases

Quickly sign Student enrolment, administrative, academic, financial documents and other agreements
Students can remotely sign applications using online portals
Sign staff and contractual faculties’ agreements
Sign, share, and store critical documents in a secured environment
SutiSign is legal and compliant
Other documents such as Progress reports, course change forms, relocation or transfer request forms, certificate acceptance form and other related documents can be signed

Key e-Signature Features that Streamline Education Sector

Customized Document Templates and Branding

With SutiSign, educational institutions can brand their documentation with their appropriate logos to make the paperwork look professional.

Supports Multiple Document Formats

SutiSign supports multiple document formats such as .doc, .docx, xls, .xlsx, PDF, and more, ensuring a seamless experience.

Capture eSignature Anywhere on your Mobile Device

Our mobile app ensures that parents can sign documents on the go without any delays.

Legally Binding eSignature

Our SutiSign solution is fully compliant with industry regulations such as EUTA, ESIGN and so on.

Multiple Signers for a Document

The solution allows for multiple signers for a single document, which means that both parents and teachers can append their signatures to the same document.

Bulk Signing

Documents can also be signed in bulk, saving time and increasing productivity.

Extensive Analytics and Reports

The solution also offers a variety of analytics and reports which allows users to gain valuable insights.

Manage eSignature Efficiently with Intelligent Signature Software

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