The Team Collaboration module provides users with a common platform to connect with the others, share, communicate through live chat and discussion forums, and manage the delegation of tasks within & across teams. It is a one stop collaboration module for all of your needs.
Separate team spaces can be defined for members and guests where they can create and store documents and share them with others in the team. Users have the option to capture small pieces of information in the form of notes. Managers can create workflows to help delegate tasks and configure automatic routing of project documents for review and approval. Team members can view tasks assigned to them from their own personalized inbox and manage their contacts from the same interface. This Team Collaboration feature also has a full-featured search engine to search for team spaces, forums, topics, polls, and tasks.
The Team Collaboration module can be used to distribute new policies, work instructions, and other team related documents. It makes overall communication much easier. Team Collaboration can be used along with Document Management to manage access, versioning, and retention of documents and folders.
Team Collaboration improves electronic communication and team efficiency. It eliminates paperwork, loss of information, routing delays, and approval delays.