Buyers pick items from supply catalog and/or wish lists and add them to shopping cart and checkout the cart to create a requisition. Next, remaining necessary details are added and the requisition is sent for approval. Approver views the requisition details and approves or rejects it depending on the company's internal policies and their approval limit. Rejected requisitions can be modified and re-sent for approval. After the requisition is approved by all the approvers it can be sent for PO creation. If no approval process is required, then the requisition will be directly sent for PO creation. Depending on the sourcing technique followed, approved requisitions are sent to RFQ or for auction.
Details of existing suppliers are added to requisitions before sending for RFQ, which are then created and sent to suppliers. Suppliers add the price details and send quotations to the buyers for the received RFQ. In case of auction, requirements for items can be advertised on the company's Twitter page. New suppliers submit their bids/quotations for items that they can supply. Value analysis of the quotation(s) is performed and either an existing or a new supplier is selected. PO generated thereby is sent to the supplier for fulfillment.
Supplier(s) review the details of POs received, generate sales order(s) and send them to the buyer. When a sales order is sent, the corresponding shipment's invoices are created and goods are delivered to the buyer.
Buyer inspects the received items and accompanying invoice to confirm the receipt of items. Receipts for goods received are generated and payment to suppliers is made.